PROBE Copyright (c) 2002 DataFile, Inc.
New Features and Enhancements for PROBE Version 7.0
TacScan - TacScan assigns an active frequency to a priority position in the
scanning list for a specified period of time. When and how the frequency
is assigned as a TacScan frequency is based on the settings for TacScan.
This feature provides more activity and enhances continuity of ongoing
Import CSV Files - CSV data, a common data format, can now be
imported directly into PROBE. You control what data goes where.
New Monitor Functions - More control over what you hear
Templock Monitor - A frequency can be templocked for a specified period
of time based on specified time of activity. This feature is useful for
temporarily locking out a frequency that may be the result of stuck key
or otherwise interfering with the regular scanning process.
Carrier Check - Checks for presence or absence of carrier for an active
frequency. If the carrier switches from active to inactive, or vice
versa, and does so as many times and within a period of time specified,
PROBE templocks the frequency for a specified period of time and resumes
scanning. The primary benefit of this function is to temporarily remove
a frequency which exhibits carrier oscillation within a short period of
New Optocom Feature - Download frequencies. This function downloads
frequencies from the Optocom's memory to a bank of choice.
New Output Functions - Now you can output the data directly from
PROBE's frequency and log viewers to a variety of text files. This
provides you with more control over what winds up in the file.
Text File - Provides same output as Output to printer except it
outputs the headings once and does not output page breaks.
CSV File - Provides same output as Output to printer except it adheres
to CSV rules for each field being encapsulated by quotation marks ( )
and each field separated by a comma (,).
Mapping File - Available with the Frequency Viewer , the mapping file
allows you to import latitude, longitude, name and frequency data into
popular mapping programs such as Street Atlas.
New Viewer Functions - More control over viewing your data:
Added three new indexes to the frequency file viewer:
Marked + Bank + Frequency + Tone
Marked + Frequency + Tone
Marked + DBA Name
Added new feature to F10 - Extra Options for marking frequency records
which meet one of the following criteria: duplicate frequencies, locked
out, or when a Smartbank is assigned.
Added New Kill Functions - Killtemp has been renamed Kill . This
redesigned functions provide a list of Templocks or TacScan frequencies
in effect. Frequencies can be tagged for deletion. These functions also
double as a means for viewing Templocks and TacScan frequencies. A
highlighted frequency in Kill is automatically tuned by the scanner.
Other Additions and Modifications
Autoresume on Pause - Expressed as HH:MM:SS . The time represents
how long PROBE will Pause on an active frequency when the