PROBE    Copyright (c) 2002 DataFile, Inc.        

  New Features and Enhancements for PROBE Version 7.0
=====================================================  TacScan - TacScan assigns an active frequency to a priority position in the scanning list for a specified period of time. When and how the frequency is assigned as a TacScan frequency is based on the settings for TacScan. This feature provides more activity and enhances continuity of ongoing transmissions.  Import CSV Files - CSV data, a common data format, can now be imported directly into PROBE. You control what data goes where.  New Monitor Functions - More control over what you hear Templock Monitor - A frequency can be templocked for a specified period of time based on specified time of activity. This feature is useful for temporarily locking out a frequency that may be the result of stuck key or otherwise interfering with the regular scanning process. Carrier Check - Checks for presence or absence of carrier for an active frequency. If the carrier switches from active to inactive, or vice versa, and does so as many times and within a period of time specified, PROBE templocks the frequency for a specified period of time and resumes scanning. The primary benefit of this function is to temporarily remove a frequency which exhibits carrier oscillation within a short period of time.  New Optocom Feature - Download frequencies. This function downloads frequencies from the Optocom's memory to a bank of choice.  New Output Functions - Now you can output the data directly from PROBE's frequency and log viewers to a variety of text files. This provides you with more control over what winds up in the file. Text File - Provides same output as Output to printer except it outputs the headings once and does not output page breaks. CSV File - Provides same output as Output to printer except it adheres to CSV rules for each field being encapsulated by quotation marks ( ) and each field separated by a comma (,). Mapping File - Available with the Frequency Viewer , the mapping file allows you to import latitude, longitude, name and frequency data into popular mapping programs such as Street Atlas.  New Viewer Functions - More control over viewing your data: Added three new indexes to the frequency file viewer: Marked + Bank + Frequency + Tone Marked + Frequency + Tone Marked + DBA Name Added new feature to F10 - Extra Options for marking frequency records which meet one of the following criteria: duplicate frequencies, locked out, or when a Smartbank is assigned.  Added New Kill Functions - Killtemp has been renamed Kill . This redesigned functions provide a list of Templocks or TacScan frequencies in effect. Frequencies can be tagged for deletion. These functions also double as a means for viewing Templocks and TacScan frequencies. A highlighted frequency in Kill is automatically tuned by the scanner.  Other Additions and Modifications Autoresume on Pause - Expressed as HH:MM:SS . The time represents how long PROBE will Pause on an active frequency when the key is pressed. Templocked frequencies are no longer tuned until timer expires. This improves scanning speed if templocked frequencies exist. Updated Radio Service Codes. Added ability to name drive, path and filename for Utilities - Export function.